The subject area that I am most interested in teaching is social science, particularly U.S.history. I am planning on teaching at the high school level, so that may also entail teaching government and economics, which I also would be glad to teach. I am currently in my last semester for my history B.A. at California State University San

Marcos. I have already taken and passed two of the three subtests for the Social Science CSET required to teach history at the secondary level. I believe that history is one of the most important subjects to learn throughout school, from the elementary to college level. History is the study of what people like ourselves have done in the past. There is so much for us today to learn from our ancestors of the past. Studying -the highs, lows, successes, and failures of past societies and civilizations- is extremely important for us equal citizens today to study and learn from.
Resources for teaching history
Teacher Biography - by Nick Brust
First of all, there are two things that you need to know about me: 1) I love working with high school students, and 2) I love history. I feel that these are the two most important things to know about me and my qualifications for becoming a teacher. In the above article I have already explained where I am at in school and the subject area history tests that I have passed. Also, I love coaching, and I am currently the JV tennis coach at Temescal Canyon High School in Lake Elsinore. Once I get a job teaching I plan on coaching any sport that I can because I am just a sports nut. When it comes to history, I feel that certain things about the way history has been taught in the United States for the last fifty plus years that are simply wrong. First of all, in many cases, an accurate testimony of historical events has been missing from many curriculums over the years. What is known as the "great white man" version of history is still being taught in this country today, beginning at the elementary level. I plan on taking a much broader view, focusing less on world leaders and more on individuals within societies. I am not saying that these world leaders are not important to study, they absolutely are, I just feel that there are certain things left out of the curriculum that should be there. I will do whatever I can using the California standards provided to me to find new, innovative and productive ways to teach history. http://brust004@cougars.csusm.edu http://nickblog87.blogspot.com/
Subject Writer: Aaron Jesus Garcia Sigmond

Subject Area: The area of teaching that I would love to teach is High School English. No matter what grade it is I want to teach this fun an amazing subject. I am currently in my last semester as a literature and writing studies major and i have enjoyed every class i have been able to take. My passion is U.S. Literature which is http://www.coachk.com/images/duke-basketball-camp.jpg i would like to teach as an honors class in the High School level. I am even willing to teach some Shakespeare and some critical texts if possible. I believe my passion for this subject and the in-depth knowledge I have, will let me enjoy what I do and be excellent at it. To learn more about U.S. Literature, visit this helpful website which gives you bios and even written text from famous U.S. Literature Writers go to,
.love.lit .usliteraturepapers.com/. To see the California teaching standards visit this site. California English Standards
Bio:Well first off I was raised in a house with a bunch of women, and as the middle child I couldn't get away with anything. Ever since I can remember I have enjoyed reading. Whether it was the nutritionlal facts on grocery items as a child, to anything that could take my imagination to a new level. I love listening to any kind of music and love sports, but i am in infatuated with the game of basketball and would like to coach and teach the game along with teaching English. Some say I am charming, while others think I am crazy. I am filled with energy and love to teach no matter what it is. I have a passion for helping others learn and that is why I think i would make an excellent teacher. I really don't like to follow the normal classroom rules and outlines, but I influence my

students to learn and have them enjoy what i teach them. Teaching is in my blood and runs in the family and even though I will not be making the big bucks, the fact that i can influence a child's life is why i want to teach. For more info about me check me out at
calipy32@gmail.com mehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/01577961951554804431
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